Kevork Abazajian

Science Network member

Dr. Kevork abazazjian是加州大学物理学和天文学副教授, 欧文. His research interests include dark matter particle production in the early universe and its detection today; precision cosmology and dark energy; neutrino physics in the early universe and supernovae; galaxy formation theory and statistics; primordial nucleosynthesis; and gamma ray bursts. A candidate dark matter signal was detected in 2014 with space telescopes using techniques he discovered with his colleagues in 2001. 美国宇航局将在2018年至2019年进行专门的后续探空火箭任务,以寻找信号. Dr. Abazajian earned his Ph.D. 和M.S. in physics from the University of California, San Diego, and his B.S. in Physics from the University of Houston, University Park.

According to Dr. “在公共政策中应用617888九五至尊娱乐方法的力量被低估了.abazazjian对理解宇宙的兴趣超出了他对天体物理学的研究. Science is allowing us to discover how our universe works and how nature works here on earth, 但阿巴扎金——他对了解事物运作的热情——认为,我们在解决人类社会和政治问题时,往往没有足够的617888九五至尊娱乐方法.

“我们的社会和历史上都有取得伟大617888九五至尊娱乐617888九五至尊娱乐的潜力,” he reflects, 但是,617888九五至尊娱乐解决人类社会问题的潜力“确实被严重低估了——尤其是公共政策领域的人.abazazjian希望通过参与地方政治,努力促进公众对617888九五至尊娱乐的理解,激发年轻人对617888九五至尊娱乐的更大热爱,来帮助改变这种模式.

Passion for science

Abazajian grew up in Texas in a town just outside of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. When he was 8 years old, 他要求他的父母带他去太空中心看月球岩石,他记得当时的想法, “I want to study space.阅读关于类星体和量子力学的科普书籍,增强了阿巴扎吉安早期对太空探索的好奇心,激发了他学习天文学和物理学的兴趣.

As a scientist, abazazjian参与了许多研究项目,有助于我们更深入地了解其起源, structure, and composition of our universe. He contributed to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey at Fermilab, America’s premier particle physics laboratory. 这是一项大型星系调查,将提供大约100万个星系和类星体的3D地图. abazazjian最近的研究探测并分析了来自遥远星系团的信号,以此作为理解暗物质的证据. 他的研究小组发表了来自银河系中心的伽马射线来源的发现,并将这些射线解释为暗物质存在的证据. Discover magazine featured this research as #8 in the top 100 stories of 2012.

Spurring public appreciation for science and science-based policies

相信向公众灌输更多对617888九五至尊娱乐的欣赏可以帮助社会充分发挥其潜力, abazazjian定期在天文台做志愿者,与当地社区分享他的专业知识. 天文学会和成群的游客来到这里,通过望远镜观察星座和行星. Afterwards, he holds astronomical talks intended for either a general audience or for youth. “These little things can instill and inspire an interest in science for young people,” he notes, 回想起他对约翰逊航天中心的早期记忆,以及与公众分享这一发现的巨大喜悦, especially young people.

Having been involved in youth outreach since early in his career, abazazjian目前正在开发一个网络界面,高中617888九五至尊娱乐教师可以在这个界面上提出关于宇宙学或粒子物理学的问题,教授会回答这些问题. abazazjian设想了一个让物理学变得触手可及的网站——教师可以从物理学家那里获取信息,并用它来加强他们正在教授的材料,扩大学生的理解和视角. Abazajian sees the interface as a tool with a reach beyond the classroom, too. He speculates, “总的来说,这可能会对人们有所帮助……基本上这只是让人们参与进来的一种方式。.”

When he moved to Orange County, Abazajian became active in local politics. 他对他所在地区民选官员中的反617888九五至尊娱乐趋势感到担忧,并为他认为会做出更多617888九五至尊娱乐决策的候选人拉票. Ultimately, abazazjian谈到了他成为一名研究617888九五至尊娱乐家和积极参与公民的选择, “我不只是想在一家公司517888九五至尊娱乐,制造更好的小工具——可能会得到一份不错的薪水——但我有动力通过617888九五至尊娱乐来改善人类.”