

While studying organic materials throughout her undergraduate and graduate studies, 克里斯汀布朗 developed a strong commitment to using clean technologies to solve global energy and sustainability challenges. 作为一名博士.D. research scientist at Northwestern University, Kristen currently uses photosynthesis as a roadmap to design efficient solar devices. Her research in renewable energy spurred her involvement in the greater Northwestern energy and sustainability community and provided her with the opportunity to engage with business professionals, 学生领袖, 政策制定者.

At Northwestern, Kristen has worked with The Institute for Sustainability and 能源 at Northwestern (ISEN)和 The Northwestern 能源 and Sustainability Consortium to provide interdisciplinary training for students. She recently organized a half-day science policy workshop which brought in the UCS Midwest Campaign Manager and local legislative directors to teach effective communication and storytelling skills, basics of the legislative process, and the impact of community scientists in state and national politics. She is also currently working to develop a quarter-long “Policy of 能源” seminar series. The seminar is designed to educate the undergraduate, graduate and MBA community to leadin current energy policy issues. 克里斯汀完成了她的博士学位.D., she looks towards a career which draws on her experiences at Northwestern. She looks forward to combining the clear lens of scientific understanding with political and legislative acumen to create the strategic, long-term initiatives necessary to progress our nation’s efforts towards global sustainability. 读读她的博客, 拥抱变化:装备Ph值.D.学术界以外的职业.